Example of EBF Procedure

Created by Roman Savin, web: QATutor.com.

Feel free to use it for your projects!

Read about this document in Tutorial

How to Become a Software Tester by Roman Savin



EBF Procedure


Terms and Acronyms


EBF - Emergency Bug Fix

P1 bug - Critical bug.

BTS - Bug Tracking System


Relevant Documents


Bug Priority Definitions

Bug Tracking Procedure

Bug Resolution Times

SWAT Team Schedule

Who does what?

Who owns what?







1. P1 bug is found on production

Whoever finds out about the bug

Call SWAT Team manager.

SWAT Team manager

If bug doesn't meet P1 criteria, respond that this is not P1 bug and file a bug with appropriate priority. Otherwise:

1. Call SWAT Team.

2. File a bug into BTS.

3. Start email thread with all SWAT Team members. Put subject as "EBF thread for bug#<bug number>"

2. EBF process has started


1. "Reply All" with a message that bug repair is starting.

2. Fix the bug and Unit test it.

3. Ask another Developer for code review and proceed further if review is good, otherwise start over with code repair.

4. Check-in the code.

5. "Reply All" with a message that bug is fixed, code is unit tested, reviewed by <developer name> and checked in into <branch name>.

3. Fix is done


1. "Reply All" with a message that build to QA Environment is starting.

2. Push fix to QA Environment for test.

3. "Reply All" with a message that build is ready for QA.

4. Fix is available for testing


1. "Reply All" with a message that testing is starting.

2. Test fix

5. Fix is good?


1. "Reply All" with a message that fix is VERIFIED and ready to be pushed to production.


1. "Reply All" with a message that build to production is starting.

2. Push patch release to production

3. "Reply All" with a message that fix was released to production.


1. "Reply All" with a message that fix verification on production is starting.

2. Retest fix on production

3. If verification has FAILED: "Reply All" with a message that verification on production has failed, and start over from STEP 2, otherwise "Reply All" with a message that fix is verified on production

4. Close the bug.

6. Fix is NOT good?


"Reply All" with a message that fix is REJECTED.


Start over from STEP 2