Lecture 10 - Test Execution: Regression Testing -> Quick Intro -> How to Choose Test Suites for Regression Testing -> How To Resolve The Contradiction Between Our Limited Resources And The Ever-Growing Number Of Test Suites -> Automation Of Regression Testing: Do It Right OR Forget About It
We can resolve this contradiction by the following means:
1. Prioritization of test suites and test cases
2. Test suite optimization
3. New hires or outsourcing
4. Test automation
1. Prioritization of test suites and test cases
We’ve already discussed this topic. The prioritization of test suites and test cases is the cheapest and, in many cases, most effective solution to resolve the issues of contradiction. If you use test suite/case priorities as the criteria for test suite/case selection for RT, you should keep those priorities up-to-date. The test suite/case priority must be changed, for example, when a tested feature loses its importance or, on the contrary, becomes more important.
2. Test suite optimization
Many old test cases can be optimized in two ways:
a. Reduction in the number of test cases
b. Simplification of the test case execution
For point a – Very often it makes sense to review test cases that were written some time ago to see if they make any sense today; for example, some features can be deprecated, or maybe the test case is a duplicate of another test case. In some cases, it makes sense to retire whole test suites.
For point b – Some test cases can be simplified because new helper tools are written.
3. New hires or outsourcing
In some cases, this makes sense; in some cases, it doesn’t. To hire new testers or to outsource testing is the most linear way to resolve the contradiction. I know of both success stories and failure stories. There is no universal advice here; it all depends on the company and its type of business.
4. Test automation
This is one of the most complex and controversial topics, so I have created a separate section for it. Read on. Next ->
Lecture 10 - Test Execution: Regression Testing -> Quick Intro -> How to Choose Test Suites for Regression Testing -> How To Resolve The Contradiction Between Our Limited Resources And The Ever-Growing Number Of Test Suites -> Automation Of Regression Testing: Do It Right OR Forget About It