How To Make Use Of Stats For Post-Release Bugs

Lecture 2 - The Purpose of Testing -> Quick Intro -> Exposing Misconceptions -> How To Make Use Of Stats For Post-Release Bugs -> Testing And QA


Each bug has a priority which reflects that bug’s importance for business of the company. Priorities usually range from P1 to P4, with P1 being the most critical: if user cannot register, it’s P1; if some link has navy color instead of blue color, it’s probably P4.

Here is the idea: After each release, post-release bugs are analyzed for the purpose of finding weak link(s) in the software development process.


After the last release, we retrieved stats based on two parameters:

– functionality
– priority


As we can see, Checkout has the worst stats: 7 P1 bugs.

Now, let’s assume that after each release we have a problem with Checkout, and we want to find out what is going on.

– All Checkout specs are written by a product manager, Alan.
– All Checkout code is developed by a programmer, Boris.
– Checkout was always tested by a tester, Connor.

The first thing we would probably do is kick the tester’s ass, because he missed those bugs, but if we look deeper we’ll find out that:

– Alan’s specs are poorly written.
– Connor has married Boris’s former fiancee and does his best to avoid him.
– Both Connor and Boris dislike Alan, because Alan is the company president’s nephew, and he got hired without an interview.

After we have spent some more time, we’ll also discover that:

– Alan has neither the background nor the documentation to fully understand all the nuances about Checkout, such as the integration with an electronic payment system.
– Boris and Connor are great professionals who perform above and beyond on all projects where they don’t have to interact with each other.

Here we have a real investigation! Sometimes it takes rearranging people and projects to prevent problems. Doing this kind of analysis is not testing, but QA (Quality Assurance). Next ->

Lecture 2 - The Purpose of Testing -> Quick Intro -> Exposing Misconceptions -> How To Make Use Of Stats For Post-Release Bugs -> Testing And QA